Sedani is a 1/6th scale autonomous RC car. The original chassis was a Super Baja Rey® 1/6-Scale Desert Truck. We replaced the original RC functionality with combined options of both RC and autonomous navigation. The on-board Intel NUC provides the higher level planning and navigation stack. The actual controls are accomplished with a custom control, based on the Sparkfun Pro Micro Atmega32u4 microcontroller. This control board allows the PWM interface for both the ESC motor controller for the drive and the Servo motor for the steering. It can also switch between manual and autonomous mode through a multiplexer along with handling remote emergency stop procedures. There is a separate battery for actuators and compute, with a hotswap present on compute for wall wart power and battery power without needing to power down the system.
IARRC 2018 - DNP
Sparkfun AVC 2018 - 1st Place
IARRC 2019 - 1st Place
Created by Joe Spall IV and BLACKTIE.CO